Saturday 6 December 2008

Now we have a painted building, and negotiations are up and running to update the inside cafe and kitchen, Jodie and I have decided to write a blog to keep our customers informed and involved with the businness.
Our Christmas trees are up, carols and songs are playing and the mince pies are smelling delicious. Any orders for pork pies, mince pies and desserts for the Christmas period are being taken, and we are already being bombarded with trade calendars and diaries.
We are thinking of putting some recipe and menu ideas on this, if anyone has any suggestions for dishes or would like questions answered we shall do our best.


Hal said...

The first!!! Yippee, finally got in on something first. Yes I would like recipe for beetroot soup please.

Cahrlotte, it has been great coming over, doing coffee and breakfast and the carols, I hope they can be replicated this year ;-)

Remember the warm apple pies, the romance, the thrill of my car, oooooo, memories.

You keep up the good work it really is a positive place and I love it.

The Royster said...

WOW!! what a brill idea.
Open all year, fantastic.
Great nosh and staff, well jodie's a nutter but great.
Keep the Bread Pud coming Chazza. Other than that what else can I say, you can't improve on perfection, well, apart from warming the place up a bit. Yeh I know, It's not easy. Lets hear it for Lakeside Cafe.

The Royster said...

I shall be there on Wednesday afternoon for my Takeaway cuppa and maybe even a mince pie if it's got booze in it. hic!!
Oh and one for the dog too.
Ta ever so.

Anonymous said...

I would like your recipe for scrambled eggs - the perfect pick-me-up when recovering from a migraine.

Keep up the good work - see you soon!

Hal said...

Well, what can I say!!!! Once more year comes and goes and CHarlotte and I did it once again, in the car with big seats in it.

The christmas carol service, what else did you think!!!

I learned a lot from her, how many inferences could be made from something religious, shocking isn't it. I had a really good time, very chilled out.

Can I back up the last caller please, scambled eggs, always seem deliciously different when you make them first thing in the morning.... at the cafe, for those of you that have very rude minds!!! :-)

To everyone, have a happy christmas and a fantastic new year.
